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 The 2024 Hall of Fame Banquet and inductee presentations will be held on October 12, 2024. Do you know a Galion High School Graduate that deserves recognition for outstanding accomplishments in their careers and communities?  Please fill out a nomination form for that individual to be considered for that honor.  Nominating forms are due by June 1, 2024.  Click on the banner below to print out the nominating criteria and and form.  Provide as much information as possible, but most importantly nominate some one you feel is deserving of recognition. 

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35 Year Reunion for Class of 1973 PDF Print E-mail
Wednesday, 26 December 2007

Class of 1973 Announces 35 Year Reunion Date

Updated 6/2/2008

The Class of 1973 will hold its 35 year reunion at the Galion Country Club on July 19, 2008.  More details will be available at a later date.

Details of the 1973 Class Reunion may be found by clicking here and viewing the the official class invitation.

Use Read more link to see who is missing.

!!!!!!!  Classmate Contact Information Needed  !!!!!!!

If you know how to contact any of the classmates listed below, please contact one of the reunion committee members found below the listing. 



Ron Andrews Therese Mueller Martoccia
Dana Bader Sipes Dennis Nunn
Peggy Balliet Debbie Opperman Stall
Christopher Bauer Rhonda Osborne McMinn 
Melinda Bauer Pamela Patrick
Pam Beck Robert Pettigrew
Betty Bennett Dave Repp
Anna Biller Steve Repp
John Carmer Brenda Rice
Janet Cerar Jamie Rippie
Eric Christiansen Alice Roach
Susan Cowden Reinhart Ray Rosen
Paulette Criss McKinnis Suzanne Ross Zweigle
Vicki Damron Adams Michael Running
John Edler Kevin Scherer
Cheryl Foor Washington Cathy Shibley Tucker
SFC Kirk Ford Ron Shiefer
Mike Frazier Joann Siconolfi Quinn
Victoria Fry Mason Pam Smith See
Don Gedeon Danna Smith
Susan Ginder Herb Smith
Laura Glenn Pangborne Robert Stone
Janet Glick Baker Jeff Stittler
Ronald Harris Mary Sulser O'Brien
Doris Henderson Deborah Tate
Kimberly Hough Cooper Robert Taylor
Howard Jones Steve Thomas
Steve Jozefowski Jim Trumpower
Mike Kachermayer Nancy Tyner Green
Steve Kaiser John Vasquez
Thersa Keener Debra Wagner
Charles Kleffman Linda Ward
Deborah Looker Weber Lynda Wargo Wendell
Paul Mackey James Weber
Krista Magaw Pat Weber Kagg
John Mahaffey Mary William Huff
Tim Matthews Henry Woods
Gary Merckle David Young
Carol Miller Tackett Barbara Young
Janet Morris Ayer




Steve Kinstle: Home 419-468-9652, Office 419-468-3039,   This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it     

Eric Griebling: Office 419-562-9856,   This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Tom Wiggins: Home 419-468-7714, This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

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