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2025 Hall of Fame 

 The 2025 Hall of Fame Banquet and inductee presentations will be held on October 11, 2025. Do you know a Galion High School Graduate that deserves recognition for outstanding accomplishments in their careers and communities?  Please fill out a nomination form for that individual to be considered for that honor.  Nominating forms are due by June 1, 2025.  Click on the banner below to print out the nominating criteria and and form.  Provide as much information as possible, but most importantly nominate some one you feel is deserving of recognition. 

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2014 Inductees into the Hall of Fame

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2010 Career Day PDF Print E-mail
Written by Kathy Jenney   
Saturday, 23 October 2010

Students Instrumental in Career Day Success


 An Array of Alumni networking before sharing their experiences with GHS students

Over 70 Galion Alumni returned to their Alma Mater to participate in Career Day, an integral part of Connections Weekend.  These Alums volunteered their time and resources to impart life lessons and career path advice to our high school students.  A vast array of career fields were represented by both local and global alumni, from Entrepreneurs, Surgeons, Bankers, Physicists, Teachers, Military leaders, to local business owners, a Nike rep, an award winning Broadway producer and Hollywood TV writer, to name only a few.

The focus was all about the students though, and the alumni were thrilled to be able to encourage and motivate our students in several key areas of character that have helped them achieve the success that they have been blessed with in life.

 Not only were our students recipients of sage advice, but the high school media class, with the help of Chris Stone from Rock Solid Media, produced all of the footage for the day as well.  Seniors Eric Riddle and John Phillips were chosen by Mrs. Hoffman from her speech class to be the emcee, and Host respectively.  Eric introduced each of the speakers while John interviewed them in a "Dr. Phil" style setting.

Both Eric and John were given a basic outline, with leeway to ad lib and interact with the alumni.  Neither of the young men had ever emceed or conducted an interview before, let alone in front of a camera that all of their peers were watching . . .live, but both did an outstanding job.  The questions they focused on were specifically about what characteristics the graduates felt were most responsible for their success and why.  Character qualities such as problem solving, perseverance, accountability, people skills, good will and service were explored.

When asked what they enjoyed the most about the process, both were enthusiastic.  Phillips responded "It was really helpful to get to know the graduates on a more personal level, all of the really important things that they've done, important characteristics that enabled them to succeed.  It's neat to think that people that are so successful came from the same background as we did.  They grew up in the same small town, went to the same small school and became writers in Hollywood or Nuclear Physicists.  You can be successful no matter what your background."    Riddle echoed his friend's sentiment, "It's very interesting to see how people who came from the same school as you became so successful, like Nikki Paluga, she's writing for TV shows in Hollywood now."

 When asked if he would ever like to emcee or host again, Riddle responded "Yes, it would be fun, but since we're seniors there probably won't be an opportunity quite like this again in High School, but maybe in College."

Both Riddle and Phillips will be attending University, and both have applied to several excellent schools.  Eric is hoping to explore Musical Theatre and attend Heidelburg College, while John is preparing to attend Law School and will probably choose Northwestern, although he is still hopeful for Harvard.  Who knows where life will take these young men with their careers, but one thing is for sure, they know that no matter what your background, anything is possible!

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