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Holding A Class Reunion? Send us your information! ******************************** |
GHS Class of 1965
Planning 60 Year Reunion
A 60 year reunion is being planned for August 8th and 9th, 2025. Both nights at the Bowling Alley. Friday will include snacks and Saturday will feature dinner. More information to follow. Save the dates.
2025 Hall of Fame The 2025 Hall of Fame Banquet and inductee presentations will be held on October 11, 2025. Do you know a Galion High School Graduate that deserves recognition for outstanding accomplishments in their careers and communities? Please fill out a nomination form for that individual to be considered for that honor. Nominating forms are due by June 1, 2025. Click on the banner below to print out the nominating criteria and and form. Provide as much information as possible, but most importantly nominate some one you feel is deserving of recognition. |
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NoneOctober 2013 Meeting Minutes |
Sunday, 15 December 2013 | |
October 21,2013
Board of Directors Attendees: Brian Treisch, Joe Kleinknecht, Steve Melchior, Bill Durtschi, Julie Boles, Sarah Wegesin and Doug Schilling.
Treasurer Report: Given by Steve Melchior. Motion to approve report by Boles, second by Durtschi. Motion approved.
Meeting Minutes: Given by Bill Durtschi. Kleinknecht approved report, second by Melchoir, Motion approved.
Wine tasting should be connection with every one not just Alumni member. Envelopes for all class reunions in 2014 should have wine tasting information sent. All agreed.
Wine tasting with South American wines will be March 8,20] 4 at the country club.
Julie will send out sponsorship forms in January. Sponsors donation will receive one free ticket with a $75.00 donation while a $100.00 donation will receive 2 tickets. Tickets otherwise will cost $40.00 for two tickets and $25.00 for one ticket.
Can we bring in local foods for Wine Tasting like the Candy Bar store and 40 Buzzards Farm? School buildings could each sponsor a basket. Music to listen to by local artists and student art work could be shown.
Connections Weekend: Thanks to Schilling Graphics for trophies.
There was a problem brought up about Connections weekend & Oktoberfest on the same weekend every year causing Alumni staffing problems of both.
Maybe nominees for Connections weekend should stay at 5-6 people yearly.
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