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2024 Hall of Fame 

 The 2024 Hall of Fame Banquet and inductee presentations will be held on October 12, 2024. Do you know a Galion High School Graduate that deserves recognition for outstanding accomplishments in their careers and communities?  Please fill out a nomination form for that individual to be considered for that honor.  Nominating forms are due by June 1, 2024.  Click on the banner below to print out the nominating criteria and and form.  Provide as much information as possible, but most importantly nominate some one you feel is deserving of recognition. 

hof nomination banner.jpg


  Hall of Fame

These links will access pages dedicted to the inductees into the Hall of Fame.

2023 Inductees into the Hall of Fame

2022 inductees into the Hall of Fame 

 2021 Inductees into the Hall of Fame

2019 Inductees into the Hall of Fame 

 2018 Inductees into the Hall of Fame 

  2017 Inductees into the Hall of Fame

 2016 Inductees into the Hall of Fame

2015 Inductees into the Hall of Fame

2014 Inductees into the Hall of Fame

2013 inductees into the Hall of Fame

2012 inductees into the Hall of Fame 

2011 Inductees into the Hall of Fame

2010 inductees into the Hall of Fame 

2009 inductees into the Hall of Fame. 

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2020 Membership Drive PDF Print E-mail
Written by Stephen Melchior   
Tuesday, 18 February 2020

January 10, 2020

 Dear Galion Alumni,

 The Galion Alumni Association looks forward to a successful 2020 with high expectations for increasing our memberships and participating in a drive to raise funds for a Performing Arts Center for the Galion City Schools.  We strive to increase the participation of Galion graduates in the organization in an effort to maintain our viability in the coming years. We have already experienced some dividends of having younger alumni step up to accept the challenge of renewing interest in the Galion Alumni Association.  It is of great importance to increase the number of younger members on the board, to insure the continuance of the Galion Alumni Association as an active organization.  We hope that you will consider becoming a member of the Galion Alumni Association

Membership in 2019 was at 153 dues paying members, of which 88 are Lifetime Members.  Three 2019 members chose the Lifetime Membership option and we thank them for their dedication to the Association.   Most of our annual members are individuals or couples that maintain their memberships year after year.  We would like to encourage those members that are local to participate by attending the monthly meetings and becoming a member of the Board of Directors or participating in the activities of the Alumni Association.  There is always the opportunity for all to relay suggestions for activities that would appeal to you.  Alumni Association information and activity updates may be found either on the Galion Alumni Association website or Facebook page.

 Galion Alumni Association

2019 In Review

During 2019, the Galion Alumni Association continued to pursue opportunities to aid in building a better school system and community.  We have provided funds for small projects that benefit current students and recognize the contributions of Galion Graduates.  Some of those efforts are covered below.


The Alumni Association had one significant fund raising event during 2019, the sale of 300 Club Tickets, which again resulted in all 300 tickets being sold.  For those not familiar with the 300 Club Ticket, it involves the sale of 300 tickets at $20.00 each.  At each home game during football and basketball seasons, two tickets are drawn to determine winners of $100.00 each.  Those tickets are then returned to the container and are eligible for future drawings during the season.  Anyone wishing to help with the sale of the 300 Club Tickets please contact us.  Membership dues provided the other source for revenue for 2019.  Net income from these two sources was $4585.00


There was a cash donation, to the Galion City School System, of $2100.00, for a Connections Weekend Sponsorship package. Two school organizations received money from the Association.  The After Prom Activities Parents Committee and the Middle School Spooktacular event receive $100.00 each.  Money was also spent to promote the Association through an ad ($100.00) in the Drama Department program, Sports Program Ad ($450.00). Expense Items this year included $64.00 for Post Office Box fees and postage and $125.00 to maintain our Chamber of Commerce Membership for 2020, $3080.00 for 300 Club drawing winners and ticket printing costs.  Envelopes for Association Mailings were purchased for a cost of $405.60. Fees for our 2019 and 2020 website hosting were $544.57. Several other small bank fees are also included in our total expenses of $7085.05 for 2019.

The Galion Alumni Association continues to be a participating member of the Connections Weekend Committee.   This Committee is responsible for the production of the Galion Connections Weekend which will be held October 15-17, 2020.  As in previous years, there will be a Thursday, Homecoming Bonfire (Weather permitting), a Friday, Career Day for Middle School students and the Homecoming Game in the evening.  Saturday features a Kiwanis sponsored Pancake Breakfast, and the Hall of Fame Banquet.  The Alumni Association plays a large role in the Hall of Fame event and encourages the submission of nominations for Galion High School graduates that deserve recognition.  Nominations for the 2020 Hall of fame inductees are due by June 1, 2020.  All of the Connections Weekend events are open to the public and are not restricted strictly to Alumni.  Please join us.

The Connections Weekend is intended to serve as a fund raising vehicle to provide funds for building a Performing Arts Center on the Galion City Schools Campus.  This is an extremely ambitious undertaking as this will be a multi-million dollar project and will require some large donors to step forward. Planning is in process for establishing a formal fund raising drive with the help of several 2019 Inductees to the Hall of Fame.  

You are encouraged to visit the Galion Alumni Association Facebook Page or the Galion Alumni Association website and check out some extra features, such as Galion trivia questions and spotlight features on Galion Students or graduates.  This is a result of bringing some in younger graduates as members of the Alumni Association board.  The Alumni Association Board generally meets once a  month unless there is a cancellation or rescheduling. The meetings are currently being held at Ralphie's in Galion, usually at 6:30 p.m., on the third Monday of the month.  All who wish to participate are cordially invited to attend.

Galion Alumni Association Board

Brian Treisch - President           Joe Kleinknecht - Vice President         

Steve Melchior - Treasurer         Bill Durtschi - Secretary

Karen Flowers                            Sarah Wegesin                         

Nadia Oehler                              Meghan Tyrell                                       

Kelly Phelps 

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