Galion Alumni Band Night - 2007 |
Thursday, 01 February 2007 | |
2007 Alumni Band Night Set
The annual Alumni Band night was a terrific success in 2006. Over 50 former Tiger Band members returned to Galion to march down the field one more time.
Joining the current Tiger Band, the Alumni Band performed both at pregame and at half time. A special event was the combined bands performing "Script Ohio". Dotting the "I" were Alumni Band member Paul Heiser, class of 1942 and senior Tiger Band member Meg Plummer. Meg was voted Outstanding Marching Bandsman of the current Tiger Band. Paul was the oldest Alumni Band member marching that night. Alumni Band Night 2007 will be September 28. This will be Home Coming Night. More events are in planning. Watch for details! Galion's Alumni Band may be the oldest continuous high school alumni band in the state. Formed in 1975, the band is active year round. If you play, come join the fun! You can call Brian Treisch at 419-462-2209 and get on the list to contacr for |