Meeting Minutes for February 19, 2007
Monday, 19 March 2007


Annual meeting February 19,2007

In attendance were Joe Kleinknecht, Steve Melchior, Sue Jarvis, Craig Clinger, Brian Treisch, Marty Cecil and Bill Durtschi.

In the absence of the President, Vice President Joe Kleinknecht opened the meeting at 7:02 p.m.

The minutes of the January board neeting were approved.

Craig Clinger presented the financial reports, including a change in raffle earnings and the complete statement for 2006.  These were approved as submitted.

Brian Treisch reviewed membership numbers.  Updates regarding missing classes will be sent out.

With new business, a motion was made by Marty Cecil and seconded by Steve Melchior to renew Galion Area Chamber of Commerce membership. This was passed unanimously.

Joe presented Bill Durtschi as a potential new board member. This membership was approved unanimously.

Marty Cecil then moved that the slate of officers presented be approved.  This was seconded by Steve Melchior.  The officers were approved unanimously.  These officers are Brian Treisch as President, Joe Kleinknecht as Vice President, Steve Melchior as Treasurer and Sue Jarvis as Secretary.

Joe and Brian reported on the status of th fund raising for the new entryway.  $25,411 has been donated or pledged.  This is roughly 40% of the funds needed.  Half of the funds have come from non-Galion residents and half from the Galion area.

A question was raised regarding the plans for the opening of the new schools.

The annual alumni picnic is moving forward.  The date is July 14, 2007.  Plans so far include a tour of the new building, a "old rule" baseball game and meal.

Steve reviewed the website.  There are currently 76 registered users.

The meeting adjourned at approximately 7:35 p.m.