Meeting minutes for March 19, 2007
Tuesday, 17 April 2007

Galion Alumni Association

Executive Committee Minutes

March 19, 2007

Attendance: Brian treisch, Thomas palmer, Joe Kleinknecht, Steve Melchior, Kay Gerlach, Sue Jarvis, Bill Durtschi

President Brian Treisch called the meetint to order at 7:03 p.m.

The minutes of the February 19th annual meeting were read and approved.  The names of the officers and Board of Directors were reviewed and submitted as part of the record.

President:                Brian Treisch

Vice President         Joe Kleinknecht

Treasurer                 Steve Melchior

Secretary                Sue Jarvis

Board of Directors

Brian Treisch             Thomas Palmer            Craig Clinger            Sue Jarvis

Joe Kleinknecht         Steve Melchior              Kay Gerlach            Marty Cecil

Gary Riddle              Joe Gotchall                  Bill Durtschi

Treasurer's Report was given by Joe Kleinknecht.   The ending balance as of March 19, 2007 is $4,262.00.  A discussion took place concerning authorized signatures on the account.  Thomas Palmer made a motion that would require 2 signatures on all checks totaling over $200.00.  All officers would serve as the second signature along with the treasurer.  Kay Gerlach seconded.  Motion passed.

Steve Melchior reported that there just under 5000 alumni on the mailing list including over 100 active paid members.  The website now has 96 members signed up and has experienced over 8000 hits.

Joe Kleinknecht announced that the total for the entryway project is at $31,434.00 including pledges.  The signage was originally 48 feet long, but has been adjusted to be 38 feet long.  The total cost is expected to be $50,000.00.  Included in the amount collected and pledged is a Middle School donation from a school fund of $4,363.00 and $500.00 from the Galion Education Association.  Three hundred letters to 3 different classes have been recently sent.

Thomas Palmer and Brian Treisch updated the committee on the work being done in order to preserve the 1917 section of the High School.  Some school board members and administrators have been invited to attend a meeting to discuss funding options.  An estimate from a restoration company, Quality Masonry, will be coming shortly concerning the auditorium.  It has been suggested that an Ad. Hoc. Committee be formed with Alumni Association and Historical Society members as a part of this committee.

The 2nd annual Alumni Picnic is being planned for the weekend of Jult 14, 2007.  The old time baseball game is again being scheduled.  Fifteen people are needed to field a team.  Tours of the new high school will also be conducted.

Tim O'Leary reported on the status of the Alumni Basketball Games for this year. Eight to ten teams participated last year.  There are some unanswered questions concerning the use of the school.  Brian Treisch will write a letter to Joe Gotchall (courtesy copying the school board members) asking about usage.  He will notify Tim within the next 3 weeks.

Alumni Night will coincide with Homecoming weekend and will take place September 28, 2007.  Joe Kleinknecht will again take on the raffle with proceeds going to he entryway project.  A Galion quilt will be raffled off.

It was suggested that the Alumni Association volunteer to help with any celebrations/programs being planned as the district vacates old buildings for new.  The motion was made by Joe Kleinknecht and seconded by Steve Melchior.  Motion passed.  A letter to the board president will be sent by Sue Jarvis expressing our desire to assist.

As There were no other items on the agenda, the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted,

Sue Jarvis
