Meeting Minutes August 27, 2007
Wednesday, 19 September 2007

Galion Alumni Association

Executive Committee Minutes

August 27, 2007

Attendance: Brian Treisch, Joe Kleinknecht, Steve Melchior, Sue Jarvis, Bill Durtschi, Craig Clinger, Thomas Palmer

President Brian Treisch called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The Agenda was approved with flexibility. (motion: Thomas Palmer/Bill Durtschi)

Treasurer’s Report was given by Steve Melchior. The ending balance as of Aug.27th, 2007 is 3495.80. A motion was made to approve the treasurer’s report by Craig Clinger, seconded by Bill Durtschi and approved.

Brian Treisch suggested that a final check be presented to the Galion School Board at the regular September Board Meeting for the entryway project. The total collected at this time is $57,098.59.

Joe Kleinknecht passed out raffle tickets to be sold for the 50/50 drawing which will be held September 28th.

The Alumni Association is developing a Mission Statement and several suggestions were made as to what needs to be included in the statement. Steve Melchior will lead the discussion at the next meeting.

Thomas Palmer updated the Alumni on the Galion Cultural and Conference Center’s activities. The group is attempting to find an alternative use for the old High School and has been meeting with the school board and the community to generate interest in this endeavor. The school will not be maintaining ownership of the building.

Brian Treisch brought up the need for an auditorium for the performing arts. The cafetorium does not have the appropriate acoustics, according to Brian, and makes it difficult for the performers on the stage to hear direction.

A discussion of websites and other alumni associations ensued. Members will be visiting other websites in order to get ideas as to what the other groups are doing.

Recruitment of new board members will also be discussed and a work session will be scheduled. It was decided to look into hiring a facilitator for the work session at a max cost of $300.00.

The minutes will now be sent prior to each monthly meeting via Email to each board member. Some hard copies will be available at the meeting.

As there were no other items on the agenda, the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted

Sue Jarvis
