November 2007 Meeting Minutes
Monday, 17 December 2007

Galion Alumni Association

Executive Committee


Nov. 26th, 2007

Attendance: Brian Treisch, Steve Melchior, Sue Jarvis, Bill Durtschi, Marty Cecil, Kay Gerlach, Craig Clinger, Thomas Palmer, Joe Kleinknecht

President Brian Treisch called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The agenda was approved with flexibility.

Treasurer’s Report was given by Steve Melchior. The ending balance as of Nov. 26th, 2007 is $3,187.78. Treasurer’s Report was approved. (motion: Joe Kleinknecht/ Bill Durtschi)

Brian led a discussion concerning the January newsletter. A membership form will be included in the newsletter. The form will also be available on the website and set up so that membership may be purchased on line. Members registered since 2006 will receive a newsletter.

Steve Melchior reported that there are 192 users of the website.

Fundraising will be discussed after the Jan. 26th work session. Brian will contact Fritz Caudle to reserve a room in the high school for the work session.

Academic Recognition Breakfasts at the high school have not yet been scheduled this year. A motion was made by Thomas Palmer and seconded by Mary Cecil to pledge a maximum of $225.00 for an academic recognition program when it is scheduled for the high school students. Motion passed.

Marty Cecil will serve on the Memorabilia Committee in place of Brian effective immediately.

There will be no meeting in December.

Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted,

Sue Jarvis
