May 2008 Meeting Minutes
Thursday, 03 July 2008

Galion Alumni Association

Executive Committee Minutes

May 19, 2008

Attendance:  Steve Melchior, Sue Jarvis, Bill Durtschi, Joe Kleinknecht, Brian Treisch, Lee Anne and Terry Shifley, Doug Schilling.

President Brian Treisch called the meetin to order at 7:00 p.m.

Reviewed the minutes from the last meeting along with the Treasurer's Report. The minutes were read and approved.

We discussed the upcoming Alumni Basketbal Tournament.  Boosters Club was in charge of Concessions. Received donations from East of Chicago and Drug Mart.  Asked for members to volunteer to help.

We recommended that officers to stay on for another year.

The Entryway Plaque has arrived.  Steve will check it out.

The Alumni Picnic and Annual Meeting is August 9, 2008. The Vintage Girls Softbal game will be at 2:00 p.m.  We need to notify the girls.  Picnic will be at 6:00 p.m.

We need ways to improve membership.  Can we register on the web site?

Discussion about web site:  Involving Class Officers of all classes would help us. Class pictures would be appreciated. We need more pictures.

Lee Anne Shifley will be happy to spend 5 minutes at each class reunion to speak about the Alumni Association.

Put on the web site about the Galion Girls Softball team needing new uniforms. Sell tickets for an old car, boat, Colonel Crawford did.

Discussion whether to change the format of our web site.  Sell school clothes and merchandise on our web site,  Get with booster club and sell their products.

Combine all booster clubs together, Boosters, Band Parents, etc.

501C3 status needs to happen. Education Foundation has one.