July 2008 Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, 09 September 2008

Galion Alumni Association

Executive Committee


July 21st, 2008

Attendance: Steve Melchior, Sue Jarvis, Bill Durtschi, Joe Kleinknecht, Brian Treisch, Terry Shifley, Lee Anne Shifley

President Brian Tresich called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

The Agenda was approved with flexibility. The minutes were read and approved. (Durtschi/Kleinknecht)

Steve Melchior reported that 91 paid memberships have been received. This count does not include life memberships. The balance in the general fund is $4,900.42. The treasurer’s report was approved. (Durtschi/Kleinknecht)

Plans for the upcoming Alumni Picnic were finalized. Hot dogs will be served. Set up and grilling duties will be performed by Joe, Steve, and Bill. Lee Anne and Sue will purchase all food and picnic items. The Alumni Band will be playing. The Ohio Village lady Diamonds will challenge a local team headed up by Kisti Ujvari. It was suggested that a donation jar be available.

Steve announced that our website has 255 registered users as of July 21st.

Raffle tickets were distributed. The tickets are $5.00 a piece or 5 tickets for $20.00. Eight hundred tickets have been printed with the drawing being held Oct. 10th, 2008. Brian will talk to Kenny Dye at the Varsity Grille about setting up an alumni tent for Homecoming.

There is approximately $6,000.00 left from the Entryway Project that will be transferred to the general fund of the Galion City School District. It will be used for landscaping projects per directions from the Alumni Association.

Brian and Sue will work on plans for an Honors Banquet with the school district. They will contact Dr. Jenny to discuss options.

It is to be noted that Uptown Outfitters is offering a rebate of 5o cents an item for campus wear purchases. During the 2007-2008 school year between 43 and 47 students needed assistance in the purchase of campus wear clothing items.

A letter was received from Dr. Nicholas Phillips asking for donations for school supplies. Dr. Phillips buys the supplies and distributes them to the schools. It was moved and approved that the Alumni Association donate $100.00 to the cause. (Kleinknecht/L. Shifley)

Letters were also received from the Christmas decorating committee for uptown Galion and from Mary Court, who is asking for help in placing a park on the former Galion High School site that would honor both the school and Union Green Cemetery. After reviewing the mission statement of the Alumni Association it was decided that neither request fell under our mission.

An update of the Constitution and By Laws of the Alumni Association will be presented at the Annual Meeting to be held August 9th at the Annual Picnic. Steve Melchior has typed up the new draft and will have copies ready for members to read.

Lee Anne and Sue will work on a list for donation avenues including capital funds such as a new auditorium. Other suggestions were buying window cling stickers recognizing Alumni Association members.

The next regular meeting of the executive board will be August 18th, 2008 at the Varsity Grille.

Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted,

Sue Jarvis
