2008 Annual Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, 09 September 2008

Annual Meeting

of the

Galion Alumni Association

August 9th, 2008

The 5th Annual Meeting of the Galion Alumni Association was held at Heise Park on August 9th, 2008 at 2:00p.m. Prior to the meeting, all present enjoyed a picnic lunch provided by the Association. During the lunch, members and guests were entertained by the Galion Alumni Band under the direction of Brian Treisch.

Executive board members present were: Lee Anne Shifley, Terry Shifley, Bill Durtschi, Steve Melchior, Joe Kleinknecht, Sue Jarvis, and Brian Treisch.

President Brian Treisch opened the meeting. The organization began July 28th, 2004. Brian explained that the Association did not begin with a single purpose or focus but wanted to support the Galion City School students, staff, and alumni.

The updated Constitution and By Laws was presented to the assembled membership. After going over any changes, it was moved by Bill Durtschi and Seconded by Rick Walker that the new Constitution and By Laws be accepted. Motion carried unanimously.

Nominations were then opened for election to the executive board. Brian Treisch brought forth Shawn Woerlein and Joe Kleinknecht seconded the nomination and it was accepted unanimously.

In other business Brian listed the projects completed by the Alumni Association this year. A assistant band director has been hired as well as 8 new teachers. He urged all those present to check out our website and spread the word to others to visit our site for information concerning the Association’s activities.

A number of door prizes were won. Winners were Bill Hurlow, Luke Eisnaugle, Lee Anne Shifley, Harry Weir, and Rick Walker.

The 5th Annual Meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted,

Sue Jarvis
