September 2008 Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, 21 October 2008

Galion Alumni Associatiom

Executive Committee Minutes

September 15, 2008

Attendance: Brian Treisch, Steve Melchior, Bill Durtschi, Joe Kleinknecht, Lee Anne Shifley

Brian Treisch called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Motions to approve the minutes from the last meeting offered by Lee Anne Shifley/ Joe Kleinknecht.  All approved.

Treasure's Report was given by Steve Melchior.  The ending balance on September 15, 2008 was $4519.32  The Treasuser's Report was approved.  (motion: Brian Triesch/Lee Anne Shifley)  All approved.

Old Business:  Formal election of officers stand as Brian Treisch, President; Joe Kleinknecht, Vice President; Sue Jarvis, Secretary; Steve Melchior, Treasurer.

Raffle Ticket Sales:  Currently less than half of the tickets have been sold.  Oktoberfest, September 25, 26 & 27 will be a big push.

Discussions:  A meeting with the Galion Education Association was very positive.  Discussed having a Director for all groups.

Our Challenge:  What really is our mission?  How do we work with other groups?  The Alumni Association is a project oriented group with names of over 4000 Alumni.  Do we need a director?  How much of a salary would that person receive?

Bill Durtschi checked with his wife on banners for the scoreboard and fence at the end of the football field. Superintendant Kathy Jenny said we could put a banner on the fence, but nothing on the scoreboard.

Meeting adjourned.

Repectfully Submitted,

Bill Durtschi