October 2008 Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, 11 November 2008

Galion Alumni Association

Executive Committee Minutes

October 20, 2008


Attendance:  Brian Treisch, Bill Durtschi, Steve Melchior, Lee Anne Shifley, Terry Shifley, Joe Kleinknecht, Kathy Jenney, Doug Schilling

Brian Treisch called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.


Minutes Approved from last meeting by Joe/Steve. All approved.

Treasures Report balance of $4734.32 aproved.

New orange and blue website banner in use at last football game.

1917 School commerative coin discussed. The Memorabilia Committee did not want to order 50 more coins for their group. The Alumni Board motioned to purchase the minimum order of  50 coins with total order amount and distribution to be determined. Steve motioned to accepted and Doug seconded.  All in favor.

A disscussion about combining efforts of the Alumni Association, the Alumni Band, the Boosters Club and the Galion Education Foundation was held.  A meeting date of November 12th at 6:30 p.m. at the Galion High School has been set for all organizations. 

A motion to meet with Dr. Jenney for possible unification of the groups, starting in the fall of 2009 was made. Brian Motioned, Steve seconded.  All in favor.

A disscussion concerning the possibility of a paid director  for the organizatons was held.

The Alumni Band has expressed an interest in becoming a part of the Alumni Association.  This combination was accepted by the Alumni Association Board. Shawn Woerline to follow up on this proposal.

School Entrance Signage:  Approved use of remaining Entryway funds in the amount of $622.00 for landscaping and $3200.00 for new sign recognizing outstanding athletes to be built along entrance driveway.  The sign is to indicate that it was donated by the Galion Alumni Association.  Doug motion to accept, Steve seconded and all approved.

Bill and Joe will look into the cost of a tent with the Galion Alumni Association name on it.

Vicki Jobe has expressed an interest in becoming a board member.

Meeting adjourned.