October 2010 Minutes
Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Oct. 24, 2010

Varsity Grille

6:30 p.m.

Executive Committee Attendance: Brian Treisch, Steve Melchior, Bill Durtschi, Sue Jarvis, Joe Kleinknecht, Brenda Treisch, Tina Wallar, Doug Schilling

Guests: Nicole Young, Rich Tischer, Charlotte Tischer

The Board of Directors meeting of the Galion Alumni Association was held at The Varsity Grille.

Brian Treisch called the meeting to order.

The Treasurer's Report was given by Steve Melchior. Total assets in savings as well as checking total $7,723.42. The Homecoming Raffle brought in $1,309.55 which will be split between the Alumni Association and the Alumni Band Association. The treasurer's report was approved. (Schilling/Kleinknecht)

It was also moved and seconded to issue the check to the Alumni Band for their portion of the raffle. Motion carried. (Melchior/Durtschi)


Eighty alumni participated in Connections Weekend on Friday at the High School. The Hall of Fame Banquet was a success and net proceeds were in the positive. The Golf outing also made money.

Doug Schilling and Brian Treisch serve on the committee looking into the new facility. They are studying finances. A discussion followed concerning the direction that the Alumni Association needs to go as well as where the Synergy Group is heading as well.

Brenda Treisch announced that over 70 alumni participated in the Alumni Band night for Homecoming.

The Come Home to Galion Holiday Parade is planned for December 4th. A $200.00 donation was approved for the Parade and festivities that weekend. (Kleinknecht/Schilling)

There will be no meeting in December. A slate of officers will be presented at the January meeting.

It was moved and seconded that Nicole Young join the Board of Directors. It was approved unanimously. (Kleinknecht/Durtschi)

The next meeting will be held Nov. 15, at 7:00 p.m. at the Varsity Grille

Respectfully Submitted,

Sue Jarvis
