November 15, 2010 Meeting Minutes
Thursday, 13 January 2011

November 15, 2010

Pizza Hut

6:30 p.m.

Board of Directors in Attendance:  Steve Melchior, Bill Durtschi, Sue Jarvis, Joe Kleinknecht, Tina Wallar, Doug Schilling, Nicole Young

The Board of Directors meeting of the Galion Alumni Association was held at The Pizza Hut.

Joe Kleinknecht called the meeting to order.

The October minutes were approved as amended.  (Schilling/Melchior)

The Treasurer's Report was given by Steve Melchior.  Total assets in savings as well as checking total $6,948.65.  The final profit for the Alumni Association Raffle is $654.78  The treasurer's report was approved.  (Schilling/Durtschi)

The Board was reminded that a slate of officers must be presented at the January meeting.

Respectfully Submitted,

Sue Jarvis
