February 2011 Board Meeting Minutes
Thursday, 07 April 2011

Minutes: Galion Alumni Assoc Annual Meeting 2/2112011

Attendees: Brian and Brenda Treisch, Steve Melchoir, Joe Kleinknecht, Bill Durtschi, Tina Waller

Meeting called to order by Brian.

Previous meeting minutes were read. Moved and seconded to accept (Steve/Joe)

Treasurer's report given by Steve Melchior moved and seconded to accept (Brenda/Joe)

Old Business:

Mailings to classes holding reunions this year. Brian to get labels and envelopes

Brian reported on the Auditorium Committee meetings and visits.

Alumni Basketball Tournament: It was thought that Ryan Landon and Coby Bright were setting this up outside of the alumni assoc. They were approached and we now know that they have not set up anything, they would like our help and they have not made any arrangements with GHS.

New Business:

Officers for next year: Those in attendance voted to continue with the current officers. Both Brian and Joe indicated that they will stay in office only one more year.

Brian reported on the Synergy meetings

Brian and Brenda reported on the Come Home to Galion event

Donation to the campus wear fund for the school. The school is requesting donations. Steve suggested a donation of$1000. Moved and seconded (Steve/Joe). Approved by the board.  Brian to contact the school board.

Brian announced that Cabaret night is 3/6 at 5 PM in the GHS cafetorium.

Meeting adjourned (Brian/Joe)

Minutes submitted by

Brenda Treisch