April 2015 Minutes |
Written by Joe Kleinknecht | |
Wednesday, 22 April 2015 | |
Board of Directors Attending: Brian Treisch, Steve Melchoir, Julie Boles, Bill Durtschi and Karen Flowers
Agenda Report: It was moved by Joe and seconded by Steve to accept. All approved.
Treasurers Report: Steve reviewed report. It was moved by Julie and seconded by Karen to accept. All approved.
Minutes: It was noted that the minutes said we lost money on the wine tasting event, however, we did not, so it was moved by Steve and seconded by Julie to amend the minutes by striking that. All approved. A motion was made by Joe and seconded by Karen to accept minutes as amended. All approved.
Accumulation of GHS Year Books: Brian noted that we have several boxes of old year books at the store he is cleaning out and that we needed to find a place to store them. After much discussion, Karen made a motion with a second by Steve to donate them to the Preserving Galion History group that owns the Gill House to sell as a fund raising project. All approved. Joe will check with the Galion Historical Society to see if we have any year books that they do not have before donating to PGH.
Campus Wear Fund: Karen will be checking with Sarah to find out if the school is in need of donations for campus wear. It was mentioned that we have donated a lot of money to this fund in the past and that if they had a big surplus at this time we would not donate right now.
Pickle Run Booth: It was decided to have a booth a Pickle Run on the 4th of July weekend to sell 300 club tickets. This only has to be manned for 4 hours on Sunday.